Eyebrow Lift: Understanding the Procedure | ITMT Group
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Eyebrow Lift

What is eyebrow lifting?

A brow-lift is an outpatient procedure that rejuvenates the forehead to give the patient a more refreshed, younger appearance. It is done by removing excess skin that causes sagging and repositioning the underlying muscles and tissues. This way, deep furrows or sagging brows are eliminated and the patient receives a youthful contour.

Who can have eyebrow lifting?

Any man or woman who is unhappy with the way their eyebrows look can have an eyebrow lift. If you suffer from sagging brows or have thick lines in between your eyebrows, you can come in for a consultation and our ITMT Group doctors would be happy to assist you. Patients who go for this surgery usually have a tired, sad or old appearance due to the weight that sagging eyebrows place on the eyelids

How is Eyebrow Lift Performed?

Brow lift surgery is an outpatient procedure, performed using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. The length of surgery depends entirely on which type of brow lift be applied. Another factor on the duration of the procedure is whether another procedures are being performed at the same time or not. An eyebrow lift can be accompanied with an eyelid surgery or a forehead surgery. In that case the lenght of the operation will be a little longer.

Post Eyebrow Lift Surgery

The incisions can be closed with sutures or staples, which are typically removed about 1 week after surgery. It is normal for patients to experience very little pain after a brow lift. It is also common to feel slight discomfort as well as a sensation of tightness throughout the forehead. Swelling and bruising are commonly seen during the first 10 days or so after surgery. They clear out after about 2 weeks.

Online Consultation
Please make sure to upload a clear photo of your chest area, buttocks and nose taken from the front and the side so we can tell you what possibilities exist for you.


ITMT Group brings you the latest innovations and technology in the sector. We strive every day to progress and improve ourselves, our services and facilities to serve you better. Our staff and facilities provide comfort and quality so that your experience is as great as it can be.

We have an experienced, highly trained and accomplished team of physicians, doctors and nurses who not only look out for your physical health but your mental health as well. Our patient’s overall well-being is of utmost importance to us from the minute they set foot into our facilities to the minute they walk out feeling better about themselves both on the outside and the inside.

It is our belief that every individual is unique with different needs and desires therefore we do not apply one type of generally accepted surgery to everyone. We aim to understand our patients and hear their story and construct a medical plan specific to them. This is one of the reasons why we have one of the highest patient satisfaction rates in the industry and why you should choose ITMT Group to begin your new journey.
