A root canal deals with damaged teeth by removing the soft center of the tooth. The soft center of the tooth is called a pulp which is made up of nerves, connective tissue and blood vessels. The contents of the pulp are essentially what helps the tooth grow in the first place. However in time the pulp can become infected and injured in which case the tooth starts getting damaged from the inside. The inside can be dead even if the outside is intact but this will only last for sometime if it is not treated. So a root canal must be performed in order to preserve the structure of the tooth.
The most common sign that the pulp is damaged is pain in the tooth. There might also be swelling indicating that an infection has taken place in the tooth. There may not be any outside tells however the pulp may still be infected and decaying. Your ITMT group doctor will take X-rays to confirm the diagnosis.
• People who have teeth with its pulps infected
• People with cracks or chips in the tooth has is infected
• People with untreated cavities
A root canal is performed under local anesthesia. After applying some numbing cream to where the treatment will me made, your dentist will inject a local anesthesia. Patients are awake during the procedure but they will not have any sensation over the treated area due to the anesthesia.
Then a small incision will be made on the top of the tooth in order to expose the infected pulp. Then the pulp will be cleaned and emptied out using special tools. All of the canals inside will be cleaned free of infection. After this, the opening will be covered with a topical antibiotic to keep away the risk of further infection. Then the opening will be filled with a soft material that functions like a seal. In some cases a crown may be made and then placed on top the tooth as well to act as a permanent cap.
Tooth and gums will feel sore after the operation and some swelling is normal as well. Patients can go back to daily routine immediately after the procedure however they will be advised to not chew hard on the operated tooth. Everything should go back to normal within a few days after the operation.