Hair Transplantation, Hair Transplant Operation - ITMT Group
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Hair Transplantation

What is Hair Transplant Operation?

Very generally speaking hair transfer is the name given to the operation in which hair follicles are transferred from one place to another. Usually follicles are taken from a densely hairy area of the body and then transferred into a balding area. This is a highly permanent and natural method that gives very healthy results. It has been immensely popular in the recent years preferred by thousands of men. This operation helps with psychological problems which might occur due to loss of hair.

Hair loss is a very common problem affecting thousands of people. It is more commonly seen in men although it can happen to women too. Reasons for loss are mainly genetic but chronic diseases, excess hairstyling, unhealthy nutrition or some medication can lead to hair loss as well. Hair loss is generally examined in two different categories: male pattern hair loss (Androgenetic alopecia) and female pattern hair loss.

Male pattern hair loss usually begins around early twenties at the top and front strip of the head and progress within the years. Female pattern hair loss can be seen in 1 to 10 women.

The first way to start dealing with the problem is finding out the reasons behind it. If hair loss is happening due to disease level reason it would be wise to start correcting it first whether that’d be with supplements or vitamins.

Who can have hair transplant surgery?

• People who experience balding due to genetic reasons or aging.
• People with thin or thinning hair
• People who have bald patches in their heads or places with no hair growth
• People who lack self-esteem for not having hair or as much hair as they would like to.

How hair transplantation is performed?

Once reasons for hair loss, quality of hair and the general condition of the patient are examined, the donor site is decided upon. This site is where healthy hair follicles are to be collected from. Usually healthy follicles are taken from the nape area. If this area does not yield the desire amount then beard, chin area, back, shoulder or chest area can be a candidate as well. After the donor are is chosen then the method for transfer needs to be decided upon. There are two methods for hair transplant. The method to be used is decided during the examination after the donor site is determined. Today, there are two methods for hair transplantation: FUT and FUE. This difference in methods lies in how the hair follicles are connected. In the FUE method, the follicles are collected one by one with special device heads. These device heads are like needles with 0.7-0.9mm diameters and they are operated with the use of a micromotor. The benefits of this method are that it doesn’t leave any scars behind and that many follicles can be collected. Natural and thick hair growth is possible with this technique.

The second method is called FUT. In this method the scalp is dissected under a microscope and hair follicles are separated. This method guarantees that the hair transplanted will not be lost again. It does leave a scar however and not as many follicles as the FUE method can be collected.

Whichever method is chosen, local anesthesia is used so that the patient does not feel any pain. It is possible to watch tv, read a book or sleep during the operation. It is normal that a break is taken during the operation. This happens when the bald area is large.

Post Hair Transplant Surgery

Patients come out of transplant surgery with bandages over the area where transplant was made. Patients can resume daily activities instantly following the operation. They can drive, go to work etc. There is no pain after the procedure. Our ITMT Group doctors will explain in detail how the new hair should be taken care of and it is very crucial that one follows these instructions. It is usually not recommended to shower before 24 hours have passes after the operation. Hygiene is very important so it is crucial to sleep on a clean pillow. Medication, shampoo and cream should be recommended by your doctor and used accordingly. Some irritation, scabbing and redness in the area operated on is quite normal. These will go away within the first week of the operation. The area should be covered with clean bandages while going out, especially interaction with sun should be avoided.

There is a stage that’s called shock loss when the planted hair falls off usually at the end of the second week after the operation. This is quite normal. New and healthy hair will grow back within a month or two after this. All of the planted hair will grow in about 8 months after the operation.

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Please make sure to upload a clear photo of your chest area, buttocks and nose taken from the front and the side so we can tell you what possibilities exist for you.


ITMT Group brings you the latest innovations and technology in the sector. We strive every day to progress and improve ourselves, our services and facilities to serve you better. Our staff and facilities provide comfort and quality so that your experience is as great as it can be.

We have an experienced, highly trained and accomplished team of physicians, doctors and nurses who not only look out for your physical health but your mental health as well. Our patient’s overall well-being is of utmost importance to us from the minute they set foot into our facilities to the minute they walk out feeling better about themselves both on the outside and the inside.

It is our belief that every individual is unique with different needs and desires therefore we do not apply one type of generally accepted surgery to everyone. We aim to understand our patients and hear their story and construct a medical plan specific to them. This is one of the reasons why we have one of the highest patient satisfaction rates in the industry and why you should choose ITMT Group to begin your new journey.
